The Dharma that is Sanatana God is Santhana and the Dharma/law/duty mandated by Him is Sanathana Dharama. It is the eternal law! And it belongs to everyone … just like the Sun, Moon, planets etc.
Joining the 60's Club After slogging through life to learn and earn, next in turn is to yearn to prepare for one’s spiritual sojourn. I was reminded of what Sri Sathya Sai Baba said, ‘Life is a journey from I to We to He’ and suddenly, I realised how profound this was!
Understanding the Purushottam Maas According to the lunar calendar, the Shraavan/Saawan Maas would last for two months in 2023. Let’s try to decode what this means. The lunar calendar that we follow for festival dates, auspicious days, horoscope making etc. has 354 days, 8 hours, 48 minutes and 34 seconds or (354.
Be free as a Bird, Trust your own wings A flying kite is dependent on the string and the keeper of the string. If the string snaps, the kite comes tumbling down! Stay connected to your keeper … your life depends on it!
Happy Friendship Day! We can’t choose our relatives but we can choose our friends. Friends add value to our lives, if well chosen! Choose well and cherish the bonds. Happy Friendship Day!
Undercurrents and Undertones "The intake by the senses are part of the food that builds the individual. The sounds heard, the sights seen, the tactile impressions sought or suffered, the air breathed, the environment that presses for attention, appreciation and adoption - all these are 'food'. " - Sathya Sai Baba
Life Comes Full Circle Empower children with 21st century skills that include facing real life situations, critical thinking, collaboration, problem solving skills etc. Traversing changing eras, children still need to learn the same things as they always did!