Last Words

Once there was a shopkeeper who had four sons. A wise man had said to him, “The only way to attain salvation is to utter the name of God, just at the time of death. But, do not think that you will remember to chant His name at that time, if you do not practise chanting it through out your life. So start practicing today. Otherwise, you will forget to think of God at the time of your last breath.”
So the man thought, “How is it possible for me to say the name of God, all the time, for I have to do my work all day long. Well, if I give the names of God, to my children, whenever I call out to them, I shall be chanting God’s name. Even when I am old and it is time for me to die, surely my children would be at my side. So, if I speak to them, it shall amount to remembering God’s name at the end of my life. Surely God will give me salvation in this way.” Having thought so, he named his four sons, Vishnu, Rama, Krishna, and Shiva.
When he became old and was on his death bed, he asked for his sons to be called. He asked, “Vishnu, have you come?” “Yes, father” came the reply.
“Krishna, you have always been my favourite” “Yes, father” rpelied Krishna.
“Rama, you have served me well.”
“Yes , father,” said Rama.
“Shiva, I am proud of you,”
‘Yes, father, said Shiva.
“Since you are all here, who is looking after the shop?” Asked the dying man.
So saying, he breathed his last.
There are no ways and means by which you can cheat the Lord. Only through devotion and dedication can He be attained.