How Much Land Do You Need?

There was once an Emperor who told his minister that the amount of Land he could cover while running from morning to night, would be his. The man started running early, he went on, ignoring hunger, thirst and fatigue. By afternoon, his body ached, his feet were swollen, sweat dripped down his forehead, all the muscles in his body screamed in protest. So many times, he fell, he stumbled, but he pushed himself further, he forced himself to go on, come what may. He wanted to cover a great distance that day.

As dusk fell, he was so exhausted, that he collapsed, to the ground. At this point of time he asked himself, “Why did I push myself so far? Why was I so greedy? Now, I am dying, I only need land enough to bury myself! All that I have laboured for, is not mine to enjoy.”

Each day, we push ourselves harder and harder to become richer, wealthier and more powerful. So much so, that our health, family, hobbies, love and even God take a back seat. When we are nearing our end, and we look back, we realize what an exercise in futility it was. But by then it is too late!