Creating Mothers (Special Order)

Undoubtedly God has created everything on this earth and beyond it. One day, when God was creating mothers, an angel came in and started talking:
Angel: “Lord you are really working hard on this model. You have been working overtime since the last seven days. What are you creating?”
God: “Do you know the specifications on this order?”
Angel: “What are they Lord?”
God: She has to be washable, but not made of plastic. She must have 180 movable parts, each one of them should run overtime without any defects at all odd hours, with no rest period. She must run only on leftovers. She must have a lap that disappears when she gets up and a bossom that can rest her child’s head on it even when he has grown up. Her kiss should be an antidote for bruises, headaches, scratched knees, broken love affairs…. She should have five pairs of hands.”
Angel: “On a human model! All that is impossible! Five pairs of hands? How can you do that?”
God: “Its not the hands that are problematic. It’s the three pairs of eyes that mothers need to have. One pair to see through closed doors while asking, ‘what’s happening in there?’ When she knows exactly what is happening. The second set at the back of her head that sees all that she has to know, but better not. The third set that can love and comfort, shelter and encourage a child when he makes a mess of an important event, without physically opening her mouth.”
Angel: “Lord, can I help? How far have you reached?”
God: “I’ve created one who can feed a family of six on one loaf of bread and a kilogram of potatoes. She can make a child of four, recite the Gayatri Mantra and sing a Bhajan in my praise.”
Angel: “Its much too tender!” (Touching the model).
God: “Yes, but its strong inside. It can teach a child that if you read the word ‘Impossible’ slowly, it says I m possible. It can make a child do anything just by giving her love.”
Angel: “Lord, your model is leaking!”
God: “That’s not a leak. It’s a tear.”
Angel: “What is the tear for?”
God: “Its for happiness, grief, loneliness, love, sacrifice and pride….”
Angel: “Wow! How touching; you’re great Lord!”
God: “…..I didn’t put it there!!