Count Your Blessings

It was a bright sunny morning and Priya set out to do her numerous household errands dashing from one shop to the other, marking time and cross checking her ‘to-do’ list time and again. Time rushed by, her legs and feet ached with all the running around, but all the odd jobs were not yet done. She glanced impatiently at her wristwatch while waiting at the red light amongst tens of cars honking away, each one wanting to be the first one to move ahead. “Oh God! My feet are killing me, I am so tired!” She said to herself.

Soon, she reached the tailor’s corner shop, she honked and yelled, “Can you please handover to me the pants my son gave to you for alteration yesterday? I am in a hurry!” The tailor, gave the packet to a boy standing near him and said, “Just pass it to the lady in the car and get the payment”. She called out again, “Can you come here, please, I need to have a word with you.” “Maam, both my legs are cut, I cannot come to you!” Casting her eyes to the ground she stepped out of her car, and went up to talk to him. Having finished, she drove to her children’s school to pick them up but she could not get the tailor out of her mind.

As, she proceeded to the school parking lot, and the school bell rang, she noticed, a boy being carried by an autorickshaw driver in his arms. He had obviously carried him down from the class. He put him down in the autorickshaw seat. His legs were like sticks! A victim of polio!

Minutes later, her children were in the car and as they sped away towards home, she noticed that her son looked upset over something. “What’s wrong?” she asked. He said quietly, “Mama, do you remember, I told you that Abhishek’s leg had developed gangrene after the injury, they finally had to amputate half of it this morning, the principal told all the boys to pray for his recovery.”

With tears in her eyes, she thanked God that her legs ached. “If only I have legs, do they ache, I’ll never complain about my aching legs again, so help me Lord.”

Count your blessings, before you count your complaints. Look around and you will know, how blessed you are, You are God’s special child, and He loves you.