Saraswati Pooja – for Knowledge and Wisdom Basant is about thanking God for the bounties of nature. This also means not wasting and ensuring that everything is preserved for the future generations.
Whatever You Have is Enough My grandmother would often say, “Praapt hi paryaapt hai.” Meaning whatever you have; whatever God has given you, is enough for you. Be happy and peaceful with your lot and do not crave for too much.
Old habits that just don’t die “Panchaan di gall sir matthe; par parnala othhe da othhe!” (The wisdom of the elders is appreciated; but the gutter shall stay its own course!)
Another Year Gone By A child prays to God to fulfil his desires. An adult prays to God to help him overcome/kill his desires. Everyone wants to be happy. It is a myth that happiness comes from fulfilment of desires.
The Hungry Warriors After sunset, both armies would drop their differences and eat together in the Udupi King’s kitchen... King of Udupi in feeding everyone such that, all got ample food, yet not a grain was wasted.
That time of the Month Women were/are not impure during this period. Menstrual blood is a collection of a month's blood in the lining of the uterus of a fertile woman. It is made up of blood, uterine tissue and mucus and does have a peculiar smell, but it’s not impure.
The Journey to Beyond The departed soul hovers above/around the gross body. The Jyoti is a form of Parmatmajyoti. The soul finds solace there.